Tater Sr ,The winter before we decided to snow bird , we took a two week vacation to the area we were thinking about wintering in the following year with our RV.The following winter, along with our RV, we took 3 weeks to get down south and explored along the way. Not shopping mall or Casino exploring , but places of historical and entertaining type. We found that after once reaching our park , which was very nice,highly rated ,good price for a longer term commitment,and clean park, that this type of snow birding was not for us at this time in our lives . Of course,you will not find many people on an RV forum such as this that will agree with our opinion that there are other ways to snow bird . To be honest we have found what works best for us at this point. That is to fly ,rent and experience different places. The RV park living ,for us, was not how we wanted to live out our retirement years. We enjoy being close to our Family ,our Community and our home which provides us all the comforts we worked for.Yet , then through out the Fall,Winter and Spring,we take trips either by driving ,but more likely flying to different places each year. Kind of a mobile snow birders without the RV. So , don't feel bad if you may find that the parks are not what they appeared to be and you get turned off . Snow birding is each individuals own choice. Some enjoy the same park each year and complain about what it does not offer, some enjoy their parks and even buy lots and invest thousands of dollars in. Then there are people like us who can RV in the winter if we like ,or for now, we have chose the fly and rent and explore many different places or go back to some of our favorites . To each their own, just keep an open mind for your future options of the wonderful life of snow birding. Life is Good