bigred1cav wrote:
Pattwatt: Tell me about Texas and where to find safe clean 35' motorhome sites for two old people from Ohio? We will stay the bad weather of Jan, Feb and Mar. Need locations and low costs. 300 month would be nice. Swimming pools and such not needed. Amusements either. We have no young children and amuse ourselves with old people stuff. Historic ventures. Fishing etc.
If not so much trouble start a thread and have others chime in. Let me know if you start a thread, please.
Thank you
pawatt wrote:
TaterSr wrote:
Give Texas a try, you won't find friendlier folks. Locals & Winter Texans. Don't make reservations, just float around until you find what you like.
Don't make reservations, just float around until you find what you like. You could start at Americana or Golden Grove, or Val's Country Coral just west of Mission on Bentsen Palm Drive. There are even a couple of lots left at Green Gate Grove. At inspiration Road in West Mission take the exit to Business 83 West, follow business 83 about 2 + miles to Bentsen Palm Drive, go south on Bentsen Palm Drive toward the state park. Do not try to get on Bentsen Palm Drive from expressway 83 as the bridge is out & there in no good turn around. Don't trust your GPS here, it will likely send you the wrong way.