Spring time along the Blue Ridge Parkway is a beautiful time of year with many flowers in bloom bringing spring time colors to everything but get there too early and it's just another winter scene. If often takes a few weeks after winter is over to get the parkway cleaned up and fog is often an issue in early spring making all of those wonderful views only a rumor. Check local forecases and conditions before committing to spending a lot of time there. When you hit it right it's fantastic. My favorite way to see the parkway is to take the trailer along and stay at the great "campgrounds" not rv parks, along the parkway. We traveled from end to end on three occasions (Front Royal to GSMNP) and really found the slower paced parkway a very relaxing and enjoyable drive. For the most part the road is kept in very good condition which also adds to the relaxation factor. Another very nice thing about early spring is the availability of spots in campgrounds but do some checking because some of them have a rather late opening date.
Good luck and have a great trip / Skip