Nope, avoidcrowds, that is not my intention at all. Boondocking really is quieter and is quite safe. But if you don't want to boondock (or can't, which is often the case when we are trying to make lots of miles at the beginnings and ends of trips), then we have found that as between campgrounds and RV parks, RV parks are quieter and more peaceful.
I am not saying that RV parks are nicer -- they are often just parking lots. But since there are hookups in RV parks and not in campgrounds, we find that RV parks are quieter -- no generators.
And because they are run by private, for-profit operators, RV parks are often better "policed" than are campgrounds -- the owners are not shy about telling the campers to be quiet, if need be. By contrast, campground hosts sometimes are somewhat more lax. Not all of them, but I am just reporting on what we have experienced.
Plus, in many RV parks, there are no fire pits. So the campers tend to migrate into their RVs in the evening to watch TV or a movie, rather than sitting around the fire playing music and drinking. Also, RV parks often tend to draw an older crowd of campers. Us seniors go to bed real early -- quiet, except for the occasional snore. ;)