Hey Rich,
We are also in NY state.
We check the maps for snow coverage and 48 snow prediction by intellects....google it.
When it is cold, we start out with empty tanks/winterized and fill/summerize ASAP in a warmer area (depends on year really)....we may have one or two overnights somewhere like this or not. We still use toilet and use minimal water to flush as we won't be in freezing for long (using jugs of water) or rv antifreeze. The heat in the cab is on of course and at night we might put the heat on (like it cold) at lowest and open cabinet doors if we are carrying water in tanks).
Then we find a flying j or pilot and get a water fill (check their website and then call to see if water is turned on). We just came home from UT/AZ/NV and some Pilots had turned water off...so you do need to check.
If nighttime temps are 28 or above we are using the water (we have internal tank and one external tank and tank heaters but don't usually use them).
Have fun.
We used route 80 to 77 to 70 to get us diagonally down there. We used walmarts when commuting home...we did it from show low AZ to Kingston NY area in 3 nights...rather hellacious but hubby doesn't mind driving.