Dog Folks wrote:
westernrvparkowner: The evidence is too hard to ignore. The smaller towns where WalMart moved in the downtowns died.
Certainly the larger cities can support both. The smaller towns cannot.
In the few towns that fought off WalMart their community still have thriving downtowns. Greenfield Mass. is one example. Jamestown, another that I know of from personal experience.
I can't help but wonder how you would feel if WalMart opened full service campgrounds in your towns and the site rental was 40% lower than yours?
Sorry to disagree. We now live in a town of 36,000 with a WalMart. The town also supports small hardware stores, paint stores, 3 chain grocery stores, a meat store and many small clothing and misc. stores.
Our daughter lives in an affluent community in the Phoenix area. When WalMart was proposed the town was totally against it and there were meetings and meetings about it. The store did open and the parking lot is always full.
WalMart is here to stay. As stated it offers much to the community. It donates many dollars and goods to charities and fundraisers such as schools. Where we wintered in our RV I participated in a Foster Kids Christmas program. WalMart donated everything!