Ross, I think we have one of those around here too. My keys to Arts truck were missing for almost a month, and then they mysteriously reappeared on my bedside table, in plain sight. s far as tools go. We have his tools ad her tools. I keep mine in a couple of tool boxes and no one can use MY tools unless they ask. the deal is, they have to be returned and put back where they came from. If someone abuses that , they don't borrow anymore. Arts tools are kinda spread about, wherever he leaves them. He is the biggest borrower I have :) He is really good about putting my tools back. Not his tho. I recently saw a Rockwell compact circular saw on sale. its the kind with the long handle on it that you can get in smaller spaces than a regular circular saw. I bought it because it was a good deal and Art has really looked it over. I know it will be a handy tool to have.
fulltimedanial, it is really nice to have you here. I will have to check out that site you speak of. I am hoping that this site thrives tho. I think so much of it is that people jump in and make comments and of course there are the ones with the snide remarks. But, You know, there are SO many really nice folks in this community. The nice folks, once they are snapped at tend to be pretty quiet after that. So, I am hoping we can entice some of the nice folks such as yourself and Ross, huckleberryhunter, and westernrvparkowner stick around and make this a pleasant place to converse. I see you are a full timer. that is interesting to me. Have often wondered how it was to give up a stationary place to hang your hat and take to the road. Of course that does make for extra bathrooms to clean and those pesky fridges. Anyway, so glad you dropped in and hope you make a habit of it.
I spoke of bathrooms because I am cleanng tile in mine, so I need to jump back on it. Can only leave that tile cleaner set for so long.
It has been very pleasant chatting and Ross, you need to think about some of those "tile" things to hang on your tools, so you can look on your phone to find them :)