AmericaOverland wrote:
I hate it because I will eat through 5 GB of data in two weeks if I don't use wifi.
Unfortunately, the internet has become a data hog with all the streaming that is done today. We can't even check a news site without getting about 5 mb of commercial videos to 1/4 mb of actual data.
AmericaOverland wrote:
The tower is but 20 feet away, the owner just paid a lot of money to upgrade it last month, and it doesn't even work reliably, not even during the day when most people are not home.
As mentioned above - the repeater being close to you isn't important. How close the repeater is to the data access point in the CG is important.
I worked on a project where we put WiFi into our corporate HQ building several years ago. We found that even the best manufacturer estimates about range and reliability were grossly over optimistic. The project ended up with us adding three times as many hot spots as planned before we got the service level we wanted.
I'm sure the park owner got a bid/ plan that simply wasn't adequate for the demand. Because the contractor tried to meet a price the CG owner could afford.
Glenn Heights doesn't have a great wired infrastructure, so even with a great WiFi setup in the RV park, the 'pipe' to the outside world is too small for great service.