kcmoedoe wrote:
Dog Folks wrote:
Executive wrote:
Obviously you haven't been to Disney World......:E......Dennis
Disney World charges what I consider to be outrageous prices, so I won't go. The funny thing is their parking lots are still very full of people who will pay. More power to them. I hope they have a great time.
On what basis do you feel the price is "outrageous". There is obviously no comparable facility in the world to compare it to. Disney is a profitable company, but not out of the ordinary. Their net operating income is approximately 22% of revenue, so 78% of your ticket price goes to covering the cost of all those people in the Goofy and Mickey costumes and the cost of all those rides, fireworks and other attractions. If making 22% markup on your product is being outrageous, there are a whole lot of companies that you will find offensive.
I do agree with you on covering everything! don`t forget the free transportation, all that landscaping (everywhere on Disney property), and lots of other things that we take for granted! I still say though they don`t need to gouge as bad as they do! but were not talking Disney here, were talking about the biggest tourist destination in the Midwest (the Dells).
Back on topic.