Didn't you read our comments?
Both Joebedford and I've suggested what would make this a better forum, yet you respond with "This being said we would love to hear where we can improve!". I've seen other's comments as well; we are saying: Give us a forum that is similar to what we had on RV.net and is used for other sites. I showed an image of https://www.forestriverforums.com/forums/ , and if you visit the site, there is ONE page listing all of the categories and subcategories. Each category can be collapsed if desired, and it stays that way on future visits. We have to paw through pull down menus to go to each category, then we get a list of posts with a long summary in each... NO! Give us a list of topics, then if we want to investigate, we can hover the mouse over the topic to see the summary, then click if we want to open the topic. This is the way it is on the vast majority of forum type sites, and for good reason.
Also, I've notice I have to log in again each day. I do that all day long with work applications, and sometimes multiple times. That gets old fast.
The current implementation reminds me of the social sites like FB, etc. that "feed" you a string of posts... I don't use any of those social sites for that very reason - they do not present the information in a logical, repeatable and usable manner.
I could suggest a lot more, but I feel I'm wasting my time. I'll check back from time to time, but it's likely our suggestions will fall on deaf ears. I'd like to see you prove me wrong, and will be happy to admit that if there are significant changes.
Didn't you read our comments?