AGM battery is a lot more expensive than a lead acid battery, and tend to not last as many years. A well taken care of lead acid battery can last 10 years or so, while one that is ignored can go dead and dry out of water in 1 year. AGM should last 5-6 years.
However in your case, with the additional cost of a leakproof and vented battery compartment, it would be less expensive to install a 100 amp hour AGM battery inside, than to build all that other stuff and use the lead acid battery.
Is 100 amp hours enough? Well if you are using LED lights, and not watching a lot of TV, then you should be fine.
You might also want to install a solar panel if you plan on dry camping much. 100 - 150 watts will keep that battery full all the time, unless you hook up a refrigerator to it. It will also shade about 20% of your roof surface, so it will seem like you are parked in a partly shaded space all the time.
SunElec.com Fred.