Forum Discussion

jimmythe9's avatar
Jun 21, 2024

Converting my Dodge Fireball into a mobile Art studio

I've been converting my 1979 Dodge F40 Fireball into an Art studio, and it just recently stopped running. It parked on a residential street that gets street cleaned and I've gotten 4 tickets so far. I can't find any mechanic to help me out. So I started to troubleshoot and attempt to fix it myself. I'm having a difficult time locating parts for it. The Vin can't be searched and Fireball doesn't some up in the auto store's directory. Is there anyone who has knowledge of my motorhome that can help me find the correct parts and give me any guidance?

  • thank you, I'll look into that ASAP. if I don't move it tomorrow I'll get another street cleaner ticket. 

  • When you say can't find a mechanic to help you, are you speaking strictly about mobile mechanics? Aside from being a motorhome, I don't think there is anything overly unique about the engine. Can you call around to an old school shop to see if someone will work on it and have it towed there? 

  • If it's gas and it cranks and fires but dies when you let off the start position it's probably the dreaded ballast resistor on the firewall.  You can try bypassing the resistor completely and see if it will run. You may be able to find one on Amazon or E-Bay. I used to have a 1973 Dodge Tradesman van and always had two or three in my glove compartment.