Forum Discussion

rvten's avatar
Jun 25, 2013

DIY and Used RV

Reading all the DIY projects owners do.
I would sure be careful in buying a used RV. Private or dealer.
I would want to know just what the past owner changed and who did it.

Many post here and on other forums. Of some really weird ideas
Many from new owners.

Not that I have not made any upgrades in any of my RV's.
but I also keep a record of such. Print out and give to buyer.
Plus all service records..
  • LangsRV2 wrote:
    spike99 wrote:

    - Installed Extra 12V computer fan behind fridge to keep it cooler during extra hot days.

    I've been searching for a thread on how this is done. I know I have seen it somewhere here but I can't seem to locate it. Someone also added a thermostat to the fan(s) to turn on at a certain temp. Any ideas where this thread is located?

    Here you go. That should keep you reading for a while! :B Somewhere in there is the thread you are looking for I'm sure.

    I have added a fan in the compartment behind my fridge and it came with a small thermostat that is fastened on to the piping of the fridge. It turns the fan on when the temp gets above a certain point. I can't remember all the details as it has been on there for quite a few years.
    It looks like this.

  • spike99 wrote:

    - Installed Extra 12V computer fan behind fridge to keep it cooler during extra hot days.

    I've been searching for a thread on how this is done. I know I have seen it somewhere here but I can't seem to locate it. Someone also added a thermostat to the fan(s) to turn on at a certain temp. Any ideas where this thread is located?
  • .

    Some folks have an assumption that DIY upgrades / fixes are bad. Very bad. In reality, each upgrade / fix (DIY or dealer applied) must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

    If wondering, I did many DIY upgrades to my RV. In my books, the next owner of my upgraded RV/TT will be a very lucky person. re: They get "better than factory" build and the items are fixed properly. Just to name a few upgrades:

    - Installed Extra 12V computer fan behind fridge to keep it cooler during extra hot days. Great upgrade.
    - Re-routed its PEX piping to allow easy bi-pass (for winterization tasks).
    - Installed RV Surge Protection. Better than factory.
    - Installed better / quieter fan in bathroom. Better than factory.
    - Installed 12V manual battery switch. Better than factory.
    - Upgraded to STAR brake wiring instead of default linear brake wiring. Better than factory.
    - Removed 11 of its windows, removed its inner lip foam (that always leaks in time) and re-sealed each winter - the proper "old school" way. Better than factory.
    - Installed Roof vent covers (black over bedroom area and white over bathroom).
    - Tinted windows on the kids bedroom - to allow them to sleep in longer.
    - Installed 12V light above the TV (to see TV buttons). Better than factory.
    - Installed longer master bed base to allow longer house queen bed (instead of short queen bed).
    - Installed 12V safety lighting on its stairs. Better than factory.
    - Installed galvanized wire mesh around Hot Water tank. Thus, stopping "stuff" in same storage compartment from hitting / laying against the rear of HW tank, and eliminate the risk of fire. Much better than factory.

    I can go "on and on" about the many better than factory upgrades on my RV/TT. Upgrades that should be minimum specs / minimum code in today's RV / TT builds.

    In my books, the next owner of my RV/TT is going to be very lucky to own my RV / TT (when I sell it).
  • I've made many mods. I don't know how I could keep any records of mods; there were no available schematics, drawings, or info on the original that could be changed to show mods. The original "owner's manual" was absolutely useless.

  • You can rest assured that all mods made to my RVs are professional quality and meet current codes. I don't keep track of what I have done because each RV has over 100 modifications I have made. The next owner will definitely get a better RV than I originally got.
  • Most problems with RV's, new or used, are the result of defects or bad designs or poor parts suppliers (lowest cost)direct from the manufacturer. DIY modifications to fix these areas are to me a positive thing.

    It is a false assumption not supported by experience that any RV comes perfect from the manufacturer and only needs to be serviced periodically and washed to perform with zero problems. When considering a used RV for purchase I research the known problems with the different brands and models and these have nothing to do with owner modifications done later.
  • i'm with you on the keeping records of why i took pics when rebuilding my t/c going to print them up and put in a binder..just in case
  • When looking at purchasing, I had looked at one used TT where the owner had plumbed his own BBQ connection. He had tied into the main black iron gas line and then used a hose barb connected to a standard garden hose and run it to the side of the TT. At the end of the garden hose was a quick-connect for the BBQ.

    I looked at the TT no further and walked away. I was scared of what I couldn't see.
  • Almot's avatar
    Explorer III
    Modifications posted here in DIY are mostly harmless - cabinets, shelves, soap dispensers etc. But if you look at things that people are doing in Technical Issues forum - oh, boy :) ...

    Seriously though - you are either able to check the condition of a used rig, or not. If you are not, then don't buy used. It's like with old homes - a lot of renovations over long time, and some works are not regulated by any codes, and they don't keep any records or are not the first owners.