Sure have - on the gas solenoid - works great for me
Remember the gas is turned on/off when needed for system cooling
So you could say the blower is controlled by a thermostat
I suggest you take a close look at this site
The fans he suggests are the way to go
It's NOT the standard computer muffin fan but instead a 12Vdc blower motor
I installed the ARP device and did some testing / data logging on both gas and electricity. Really opened my eyes saw some temperature swings that I was NEVER aware of. Since we use our frig 99.9% of the time on gas the propane solenoid was the perfect solution.
I left alone the stock 4" computer muffin fan which is mounted 1/2 way up the frig controlled by a small button thermostat screwed to the top coils
To reduce the blower motor noise I added a three terminal 8Vdc regulator - 2/3 or more of the air gets moved and the noise was completely eliminated. Current consumption an additional 250ma for the blower.