I used a low pressure aftermarket fuel pump for automobiles.
Found HERE for under $65
This type of fuel pump is rated for use with a carburetor which only requires about 6 PSI-7 PSI and is self regulating on pressure and is designed to "bypass" when no fuel is being drawn (does not need external regulator or fuel return line to tank).
Pumps about 1.2 gallon per minute.
Combined that with a 15 gallon landscaper tank..
FIND HERE for $185 (I was lucky to find a NOS different brand name tank in a local store for $100!)
Added a fuel filter between the tank and pump, some fuel rated hose between tank, filter and pump and a weather proof outdoor electrical box with a switch, made a long cord with a cig lighter plug and plug it into the vehicle when transferring..
Mounted the tank to a couple of 2x6s for stability so tank can't roll over, the wood also doubles as a "skid" so I can use my tractor front loader to move the tank if needed.
The only minor complaint I have about my landscaper tank is the fuel cap sometimes weeps a bit when the tank is full.
Not having to lug, lift and hold EPA "chug and glug" 5 gallon cans=PRICELESS!
Did also consider adapting plastic "marine" tanks, plenty of those available and somewhere I recall there was some vendor that had some molded side tanks which fit around the wheel wells..
Yep, found the 15 gallon side tank..
Pricey at $431 and you would still need to add a fuel pump..

Found it