StirCrazy nice size battery bank. The only thing I'm going to disagree on slightly is the cells heating up.
As I have posted before I fulltime in the 5th wheel living off of 500ah lfp batteries and 1,280w solar. This setup has been going for 7 years 7 months now in everday use never been turned off. My longest strech of consecutive boondocking was 1,017 days. As of today we have hit a 2 year stretch of consecutive boondocking.
The only time I've seen the cells heat up is when using the gen/ inverter charger and charging at 100a for more than anhour and then the cells only get 10f warmer. Any other time whether using microwave or other appliances the cells might climbed a dregree or so but nothing enough to make a difference.
My batteries, inverter, SCC is all in the front compartment of the 5th wheel. I have used foam board insulation on the walls. Used Reflectixs, foam board, 1/2" rubber mat on the floof of compartment and tapped into a heat duct above the batteries and dropped a tubedown towards the battery. This has made the biggest difference keeping the batteries warm in that compartment. I was just in Utah for a few days of night times of high teens and daytime of upper 40s. Cells were at 46-55f. Me personally that's as cold as I like it and have moved further south now for winter.
If I were somewhere that I couldn't run from the extreme cold the batteries would be in the 5th wheel somewhere staying as warm as me.
Keep us updated on the build. Thanks:)