Forum Discussion

MamaCharlton's avatar
Sep 05, 2013

Lighting ideas?

I detest the lighting in our camper. It feels sterile, like a hospital. I'd like to replace our pancake lights with an LED light and a softer looking fixture. Any suggestions? I'm also looking for something that is significantly dimmer for our bedroom reading could land a plane with what we have now!

Also, I have never done a project trike this it possible?
  • I'm a big fan of They may be a bit more expensive than the ones you find on eBay but they have all the specifications so you know what you are getting for brightness, color temperature and current draw. They have a large selection of lamp bases for retrofitting, and many different brightness levels so you can get what you really need. They also have some nice fixtures and a selection of switches at good prices. They also ship fast and give you a 2 year guarantee. I just converted my whole camper to LED and added 3 new small lights for mood lighting.

    I put bright bulbs in the kitchen area, medium in the main area and low light in the sleeping area, all in existing fixtures. The 3 small fixtures was added were: 1 pointing down as you come in the door about 30" off the floor, one by the sink area so you don't get blinded when all you want to do is brush your teeth, one under the front overhang of the bed. The 3 new lights are just right for ambiance in the evening if your not reading a paper book (we both have iThings we read on).

    I had one lamp that had a connection come loose after I removed it from one fixture and moved it to a different one. I sent them an eMail telling them what happened, they sent an RMA with n an hour or so. I mailed it back on a Saturday and had the replacement the following Friday. Orders are usually delivered in 2 to 3 days.

    Results are I went from over 12 amps draw if all the lights were on, to better lighting and less than an amp with all lights on.
  • Tell us what kind of rig you have, and if possible some pictures of what you have to work with. We added some LED strips, and a few LED bulbs and helped a lot.
  • You can probably buy led lights that will fit in your fixtures. There are many many led lights available on eBay at much lower prices than dealers in the US. If you want to replace the fixtures, they are probably available on eBay too.

    It is possible and not very difficult. You will get lots of help on this forum.