mgirardo wrote:
On our motorhome, I placed the sensor just below the awning tube. Since we always used the awning, the sensor usually wasn't in full sun. On our current Bungalow, I put the sensor next to the soffit light on the south east corner of the TT. Since it is parked at a season site, I don't have to worry about the soffit not facing south.
Not sure why folks are wrapping outdoor sensors in plastic bags. I would think that would produce inaccurate readings.
Sitting in the shade with almost all the air squeezed out isn't hardly going to matter. Maybe a degree or two difference as the outside temp rises and falls. But over all there will be no difference for long periods of time when the outside temps aren't changing at all. I don't think anyone can really tell the difference between a couple degrees.
Sitting in the sun with or without the air squeezed out would be like a putting it in a closed up car.