I went the most simplest way here...
My OFF-ROAD Camper does not have any extra storage space so when we get to the camp ground with CABLE TV connections I first add a TEE conncetor on the pedestal pole and run one RG cable to the trailer CABLE TV PORT and the I run a second RG cable from the second port and just throw this cable under my trailer.
Then when we get setup all I need to do is pull out the second TV from the truck and put on the picnic table or other small portable table up against the trailer wall. Work great...
I can do the same thing for RG cables form the inside of the trailer. I have the ANTENNA WALL PANEL that I installed to take the CABLE TV input from the camp ground or the OTA Antenna input from my outside antenna. This has the bedroom TV port on that is not being used so I can connect to here for my outside TV rg cable to hook to. This will alow me to watch TV form my outside OTA BATWING Antenna and inside TV setup at same time...

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Roy Ken