Apr-26-2024 05:44 AM
We can't find a motorhome (class C) that has seat belts with shoulder harness in the dinette. I have seen pictures but it seems to be a rarety.
We plan to modify our class C to add them. Do any of you guys have them, or had them installed? If so, can you tell me more and also provide pictures of the frame of the bench with structure for shoulder harness?
It's to better secure our two boys once they grow out of their car seats.
Thank you!
Apr-27-2024 03:31 AM
I like way2roll commend you for wanting to keep the young ones safe. With that being said I would feel safe with just the seat belts. I have no expert knowledge as the pros or cons but there is nothing to attach a shoulder strap to that would withstand a crash. You will have to fabricate all your self from belt to frame work as no shop of anykind will do it for fear of being sued.
Good Luck
Apr-26-2024 07:18 AM - edited Apr-26-2024 07:23 AM
Travelling with smaller ones in RVs has always been a challenge with respect to child seats, shoulder belts and harness tethers as they are not DOT required in a MH. I applaud you for wanting to take on the task, just remember that RVs are built more like houses than cars - and light houses to save weight. The structures in MHs do not have to be designed to survive structural crashes and rollovers. As a result, you will probably be tying into a stud - a 2x3 or even a 1x2. Not that it can't be done, just be aware that the lateral structural rigidity is not like a pillar or seat frame on a car. And the areas behind a dinette are not directly attached to an external wall stud - more likely a kitchen counter frame. I have seen MHs with an extra row of passenger seats.