Old-Biscuit wrote:
kaydeejay wrote:
FSJPat wrote:
Congratulations on the new rig, sorry the weight police have to jump in and try and rain on your parade.
"Rain on your parade" or increase his awareness of just what he is asking his truck to do:?
IMHO 1500# or so over GVWR is beyond "pushing it a little".
My mental, unscientific and totally personal opinion is that up to 500# over GVWR is no big deal - beyond that it really needs another look.
Hey OP:
Post your actual weights and settle this 'at ratings' or 'over'
Post your actual weights and settle and the 'at RANTINGS' will be 'over' - at least until next time..:(
Or - "they" can say, "See, told you so!"
Interesting to note that nuts and kd communicate privately - then take their discussion to the OPs thread for a peeing match - without *ALL* the (actual weight) facts...:R