Forum Discussion

CaptRick's avatar
Aug 31, 2015

2003 FunFinder 31C

I am looking at used 2003 FunMover 31 C class C toy hauler with a Ford V10. I it is 2000 miles away so a quick look over wont work. I have lots of pictures but cant find much information on the unit. Any one have or had one? The owner claims 9 MPG does that sound right for a V10 gasser? It has 48,000 miles, Im used to diesels going 200K + so for a V10 is this a lot of miles?
  • I have the v10 in a class A, it is a very good and reliable engine but on some of the early ones there was the spark plug issue (look it up). I get 6.5 mpg not towing and 5.5 mpg towing, we have a lot of steep grades and I usually drive 65. Some people claim 7-8-9 mpg but they are probably getting on the freeway at half throttle, going 50-55 and not passing people which is the totally opposite of me. I have it floored on every on-ramp, off every stop light and up every grade.
  • Fun Finder is a travel trailer made by CruiserRV. It's not a Class C.

    As carringb noted, presumably you are referring to a Four Winds Fun Mover.
  • A 31' coach with the V10 could get 9 MPG, but you'd have to drive pretty conservatively. 7.5-8 MPG is a little more realistic for most drivers.

    48,000 miles is nothing for the V10. It may have some age issues (fuel pump, brittle vacuum hoses, rusty brake calipers etc) but really that's only halfway to the first tune-up. I have 410,000 miles on my V10, and it's been run VERY hard most of the life.

    One thing I did not like about the FunMover 31' is the short wheelbase. I think it's only 208". That means any cargo weight in the garage or trailer tongue weight will move lots of weight off the front axle, and it would be easy to overload the rear axle. The newer 31' class C's all have a wheelbase 220" or longer.