Forum Discussion

mr300x11's avatar
Jan 27, 2017

2005 Fleetwood Gearbox 355FS

I am new to the toy hauler game.
I have not had any luck on the net looking for any info on the Fleetwood Gearbox.
I know that that Fleetwood stop producing Toy Haulers in 2007.
I was trying to see if there was any major issues that I need to be on the lookout for.
Thanks for any info.
  • We got a 335FS in March same year as yours. Water damaged on passenger side roof where rubber meets Filon. Previous owner was a slob and put black roofing tar on polar white fiberglass cause that makes sense. Anywho been working like a dog to get it presentable and functioning. The only common problem I've heard of so far are the delam issues but if yours is like ours it was one of the survivors. My delam issue goes back to someone's pathetic attempt to repair what originated as either water damage or an impact.

    So far aside from every free minute and dollar I've done quite a bit to this beast. I was astounded at how little material makes up the nose of the camper when I disassembled and rebuilt the master room. Can't wait to get this puppy on the road all watertight and cleaned up. Never thought I'd ever get a trailer and re-frame the nose (curved) portion. It's been a fun project. Just got a replacment checkered flag CareFree awning in this week as well as a Suburban water heater. Going to a Suburban from an Atwood conversion should be relatively easy and better quality.

    As far as advise if you haven't had to deal with plumbing stuff yet I recommend making your pump/strainer/filter/etc accessible as they're items that need routine visual and functional testing. Also they used a lot of 1/4" Merflex PEX for appliances so if you ever have to replace due to a leak or bad connection I have used the 3/8" SharkBite push to fit fittings. So far so good.
  • I own a 2008 385SA2G. Baought it used. Great unit. Most of my issues are from wear'n tear. I take mine in some crazy off-road areas.I even use it in the winter (-40).

    Here is a link to a flyer

    Ask away and I will try to help.

  • Yes. I want to say it was the units back in the 2004 and maybe 2005 era had serious delamination issues with the outside fiberglass walls. However, if its now 12 years old without that delam problem you're probably safe. I know we have a few previous Gearbox owners on the forum, hopefully they can give you more insight.

    One of the great things we have on this forum is a great archive. Here are the search results from over 1 year ago on the word "gearbox" Click Here Happy Reading!