Forum Discussion

webejpn's avatar
Aug 01, 2017

2018 Arctic Wolf 265dbh8

Thought i would start a thread for owners of this rig to share the pros & cons they've found with this rig so far along with any tips/tricks/upgrades they have done to theirs.
Please edit your existing post as you think of things to minimize the number of post folks have to read through.

-The pivoting hitch is really nice (i'm new to FW so not sure if this is a normal feature). Not only can you push it out of the way when the camper is parked to avoid running into it while walking around the camper, but if you need to tweak it a bit while trying to hitch up the rig it makes it easier than trying to back in and realign.

-Outside storage is minimal at best. The "basement" is the only outside storage which is located in the front. The only other option you would have is to ditch the outdoor kitchen and convert that to a storage bin which is located in the far back with the door on the main entrance side.
-The metal extrusion for the outdoor grill was mounted below my outdoor kitchen door. Not only does this make it to low for even the shortest of short folks, but it does not properly support the included grill and mount as there is no camper sidewall left for it to rest against. Not sure who put this on, but i don't think they thought this through very well.
-Interior storage and cabinetry. I'm 6'5" and i can barely reach the highest shelves of the cabinets. Also, in the corner behind where the TV goes, you have 3 extremely large cabinets. Anything other than blankets or soft goods would likely roll/slide around in here. So i suspect i will have to build some sort of shelving system or get creative with bins or something of that nature.
-(Update 8/11) Was loading up the drawers below the dinet seats last night and the bottom of the drawer fell out. Pulled the drawer all the way out and sure enough, not a drop of glue and all the staples were driven either to deep or only half the leg of the staple made it into the plywood. So i glued and nailed the entire thing, should be good to go now.

-Under the bottom is some dead space. Part of the space underneath is the outdoor kitchen. But the other half or so is unused space. On my rig, there is a small triangle of plywood that was not secured down. So i popped it out and boom, a bunch of storage space. So i cut a small 1.5" hole into the plywood with a hole saw for a finger hole to easily remove the plywood piece. Good space for infrequent items and best part it's behind the axle to minimize extra weight on the pin!
  • Hitch is a REESE Revolution (when used as OEM Equip) or REESE Sidewinder (Aftermarket equip) ....same regardless of name.

    Can be troublesome when hitching if NOT lined up and 'wedge' that locks 5th wheel hitch/king pin from rotating loosens/then shifts so end up with pivoting at turret and at king pin.

    Check the wedge bolts routinely........5/8" wedge bolts/150# torque