agesilaus wrote:
Amazon reels
Not cheap but there you go
......and great way to go!
OP - you indicate you have a Jayco 5th. The 50 amp cord that came with my Jayco was a true "Anaconda" to be wrestled - especially when even slightly cold!..:(
Solution was a (12V) powered cord reel - WITH cord - which was *WAY* more flexible than the factory supplied Anaconda. I have it hard wired, mounted in a storage compt, with a small "notch" in the compt door to allow closing with the cord extended.
The notch has a small sliding cover for when it's not in use - looks
like a factory designed item!
*NOTHING* to move, lift or "tote" - pull out as much cord as you need - push button to retract.
Don't want permanent? - "Not cheap!" - (True! - It's neither!)
It wasn't cheap - but no problem to take it with me to the next 5er should there be one. AND - it takes less space than a laundry tote, milk case, or? for "Anaconda" storage.
(IMO) It is one of the best (if not *THE* best) convenience item I've ever purchased/added to an RV..:W