Terryallan wrote:
wing_zealot wrote:
What’s the difference between a video of a truck moving silly large load or a chyron of a truck moving a silly large load?
I’m old enough to remember an advertisement for a front wheel drive car that was towing a boat on a trailer with the back wheels of the car removed. Any reasonably bright persons learns by about the age of 3 that commercials exaggerate and are to be taken with a large grain of salt.
I remember that commercial, and use it as an example of what a WDH can do when I set up some one's trailer.
As a practical joke my Dad cranked up the spring bars on uncles Vista Cruiser to the point he could not move, 1 rear wheel would just spin on gravel. BTW, Olds built a Toranodo without front bumper, and most of the front overhang, used it to move snow at the plant.
"What’s the difference between a video of a truck moving silly large load or a chyron of a truck moving a silly large load"
I don't know what "chyron" is. But when they tell us a 150 can tow whatever many do not understand not all 150s can tow the same thing. This leads to issues