Peg Leg wrote:
The B&W Companion gets my vote. I did the install, only hole to drill was in bed for drop pin. I used a cheap hole saw with a oiled sponge inside. Had to make a notch under the bed where a heavy cross support went. My Companion and turnover ball was just over a grand total including shipping. All the bolts through my boxed frame had metal holder that you could insert the bolt through another hole and hold it while starting the nuts. With the teflon lube plate it still looks great after 2 yrs.
This was my approach too. B& W makes a great product and has great support. No drill installation with the exception of that one big hole. Measure twice! If you do it yourself you know it is done right.
IF you do it yourself, use a come-along and some type of homemade tripod (I used a stepladder and iron bar) to hold the unit in place and tighten it up against the bed before you tighten the bolts...this will make sense once you read the instructions. There are also you tube videos...
I wouldn't let camping world install a light bulb for me.