If you are thinking about MH or 5ver you really need to check out both of them. There is good and bad in either type of RV. I have owned them all. TC, 5ver, TT, and MH. I can say I am less tired at the end of the day driving a MH. Plus when I park it is sure easier to set up than a 5ver and TT. Cost? When you get a completed unit, 5ver with tow vehicle or MH with a toad I'm not sure there is any difference in cost. $200K for a new MH mentioned in previous post? Probably a new DP would cost that much. A brand new good quality gas MH with a new toad behind it you are looking at about $130K. If you are looking at a brand new low end gas MH and new toad you are looking at approximately $100K. They are both easy to drive once you become familiar with them.