fj12ryder wrote:
rhagfo wrote:
Very seldom that semis run at their speed limit, now days the limits are 65 autos, 60 trucks most semis run between 65 and 70, autos 65 and 75.
Running 20 mph below the flow of traffic in the right lane, basically setup a rolling road block.
Rolling roadblock? That's what that passing lane is for. If people would drive like they should, i.e. move over to pass and then move back over to their original lane, it wouldn't be an issue, but instead you have people that pull into the right lane and just sit there, even when they could get back over. There's your rolling roadblock.
Makes a person wonder how they keep the autobahns in Germany from being endless car wrecks, when you have people driving 100+mph and other people doing 60-70 mph. Oh yeah, they know how to drive.
Well when you consider about 90% of the interstate system is only two lanes in each direction, a rolling road block is a vehicle going significantly slower than the general flow of traffic forcing all to move to the left lane to get around them. If the volume of traffic is higher than moderate many will have a difficult time fitting into the left lane.