Thanks for the reply guys...
Well, guess I've been thinking wrong. The SOC chart I saw said 12.5 was 50% discharged..? Now today, after looking at many different soc charts, they all seem to be different..? Looking at a google search, found charts anywhere from 12.1-12.50 claiming to be at 50%..? Whats correct? Most charts say 12.8-12.9 is full charge for agm, some say 12.7.
IIRR, my agm batteries have never seen over 12.67v even when brand new off the dealers charger. Or after being charged correctly for 24 hours with a smart agm charger, then sitting over nite with no charge or load they are 12.62-12.67v. AGM Battery charger seems to do the same as my TH converter does.
Is it true its not good for the batteries to be drawn down to less than 50% discharge, or the agm battery can be damaged. Also, if left discharged(less than 50%) for long periods of time or drawn down like that continuously, damage can happen. Is that wrong..?