Forum Discussion

RAllison's avatar
Sep 23, 2015

Another tire question

I'm changing one of my tires on the back axle of my trailer because of cracking between the treads and got to wondering when you turn your trailer does it rotate on the front axle and drag the back axle. Not a big deal was just curious, knew their would be somebody on here smarter than I am to explain it to me. Thanks Rich
  • d-mac1 wrote:
    I took a major plunge and got new wheels and some Goodyear G114s. They are AWESOME! Thousands of miles and they still look brand new! Retreadable too.

    Good call. Yes they are Regrovable. I have seen a guy doing his GY G's by hand.
  • op wrote:
    I'm changing one of my tires on the back axle of my trailer because of cracking between the treads

    Wise idea when one tire tread starts showing splits/cracks.

    op wrote:
    and got to wondering when you turn your trailer does it rotate on the front axle and drag the back axle

    However it depends on the terrain. If the terrain loads the rear axle tires the front axle tires do the sliding. Same with a nose high trailer on level terrain.
    I've seen my tri axle trailers drag the center and rear axle tires.
    And just the opposite if the terrain changes.
  • Smart move for sure, the tires most of these things come with are junk. I replaced the junk tires mine came with as soon as I got it home from the dealer with S637 G rated tires and installed a TPMS.
  • I took a major plunge and got new wheels and some Goodyear G114s. They are AWESOME! Thousands of miles and they still look brand new! Retreadable too.
  • RAllison wrote:
    I'm changing one of my tires on the back axle of my trailer because of cracking between the treads and got to wondering when you turn your trailer does it rotate on the front axle and drag the back axle. Not a big deal was just curious, knew their would be somebody on here smarter than I am to explain it to me. Thanks Rich

    x2 on what Rusty said. You should always change tires in pairs, if at all possible. Also, if your tires are ST's and are at, or over, 5 years old, you =really= should change all of them. If they're all the same age, and one starts going, the rest aren't likely far behind.

  • If you watch the inside tires when you have to cut sharply when backing, the sidewalls on BOTH tires (front and rear axle) on the inside of the turn will deform - the front to the inside of the turn, and the rear to the outside of the turn. The effective pivot point is between the two axles.

    This is called scrubbing, and if you think it's bad on a tandem axle 5th wheel, it's far worse on a triple axle 5th wheel.
