Apr-29-2015 10:10 PM
May-02-2015 01:24 PM
May-02-2015 07:11 AM
May-02-2015 06:29 AM
May-02-2015 04:49 AM
Baja Man wrote:
Been looking at 5ers between 26-29 feet. Out of the 20 or so I have seen, I found one 2003 Wildowood 27RLSS with twins up front. Ready to purchase tonight, called seller and it sold earlier today 😞
Reason for wanting twins? My 15yo DS and I each sleep in one and wife and 10yo DS can sleep in fold out couch. This works for us so we can keep size down to 26-29 feet. We like the Rear Living room for the large rear windows and larger living space.
However, with no twins, my 15yo DS and I would have too share a queen and we are both 6' and I am 280# and he is 130#. By morning, I would own 70% of bed and he would end up with 30%!!!!
My thoughts are that that finding a used 26-29 5er with twin beds in lieu of a queen is going to very difficult.
Are there new ones with these twins up front?
May-01-2015 12:29 PM
May-01-2015 11:17 AM
Apr-30-2015 08:44 PM
Apr-30-2015 05:45 PM
Apr-30-2015 05:40 PM