You have a lot to learn. The PullRite can be removed by one person. I do it when needed. And I am 68 years old. Tip it up and 'walk it' to the back of the truck. Drop it onto a table that I made to the same height as the tailgate. Then roll it into the garage. Five minutes and no help needed.
The quick connect capture plate can be removed with one bolt and your trailer can be towed by any fifth wheel hitch. The universal rails can be completely removed from the truck bed.
The Hijacker is pretty much the same. But customer service may be somewhat different.
The Sidewinder will work too. but chances are, you need a new replacement for the next trailer you buy.
If you want an auto slider, these are you only options. Otherwise go for a manual sliding hitch and deal with the issues with that choice. Or don't buy a sliding hitch and believe what the trailer manufacturers claim. You can turn 88 degrees with no problem. Just remember when it blows out your window, it is no problem for them. But your mileage may vary.