paulbeauchemin wrote:
I'm supposed to pick up my 40' 5th wheel friday and have been watching youtube videos on how to back.
All of the videos say to have the place you are backing into on the drivers side. Well, our driveway is not on the drivers side - its the opposite and I cannot see sitting in the wrong lane the first time I attempt to back this rig up.
Any suggestions on best way to do this?
Go around the block and come from the other direction were you driveway is on the drivers side. Once you come up to your drive pull deep into the other lane once the traffic has cleared and head out to the other lane at a 45 degree angle blocking both lanes. Once you have the lanes blocked more than likely no one will try to go around your back side, back the trailer in as you would normally. do not make it hard than it is.
I have driven a semi with a 53ft trailer for a number of years delivering to small businesses were I had to do this, once you block the lanes unless there is an idiot (which I have seen) you will have the time to back into your drive, take your time
Safe Travels