dave14117 wrote:
mr. ed wrote:
I assume you've removed the cables and cleaned the battery posts and cable clamps. Corroded terminals are a common source of battery problems.
Good news maybe - have batteries on separate battery charger, so far for 7 hrs. Voltage with charger disconnected is now 13.3v
Are both batteries still connected in parallel? If both are holding a charge for a decent time it appears they're good and your onboard charging system has some sort of issue which hasn't been found yet. OTOH, if the batteries are connected back to your RV's electrical system without the RV connected to shore power and you find the charge dissipating without any 12 volt items turned on, there is a parasitic draw somewhere that's taking a small amount of current. The fridge is one possibility as well as other electronic devices. I'm assuming your water pump is turned off, since it may run briefly when water pressure drops a certain amount.