enblethen wrote:
Coach-man that is correct.
Yes, it is slight difference in resistance.
Timay, look at a large battery room for electrical control systems. They are all wired similar to what I said. This is so you can change out battery or batteries by simply jumpering around the defective or battery(ies) that need servicing.
My point is that feeding a battery pile from one end to the other to ensure even charging is hooie. Batteries don't charge from one end to the other, all the cells charge at the same time and there is a chemical reaction inside each cell that makes the electricity. Yes, each cell will have different resistances which
slightly effect charging - when one cell develops too much resistance the battery is then on its way out. If you have a pile of batteries, i.e. 2 12volters, it makes no difference if you feed the charging voltage from the ends or the sides or wherever, as long as polarity and voltage is observed.
Yes, I worked in those battery rooms you speak of - Chanute AFB Central Office inside plant equipment specialist - ruined many a pair of uniform pants checking the electrolyte levels.