Aug 13, 2013Nomad
Battery question
Last year I replaced my 2 12v batteries with 2 6v golf cart batteries from Sam's Club. They've been great and given me a big boost in capacity. This last trip, though, I noticed that, even after being plugged in for 3 days after topping them off with distilled water, I was only getting 3/4 lights on my indicator. When plugged in I got 4/4 lights, so I know that the top bulb =is= working. Now, they were down a bit, but the plates looked to have 1/4 to 3/8 an inch over them. I put in a good half-gallon between the 2 batteries. Even after driving for 3 hours to our camp site, I never had more than 3 lights. I never went =below= 3 lights during the 4 days we were there and had 45w of solar on them as much as possible. Does it take that long to get them back up to snuff or could I be starting to see issues with my power converter?