Hedgehog wrote:
As you guys might have notice from other posts, I am looking at trading my diesel pusher for a fifthwheel. I have had good luck with Montana's but the Bighorn's have also caught my eye. The local Bighorn dealer is a Campingworld. I have purchased accessories from them but don't know how they are with customer satisfaction as far as Rv sales and service after the fact.
I am looking at the Bighorn 3160EL and since there isn't one on the lot, they gave me a build sheet to spec one out the way I would want it ordered. Most of the options are self explanatory but some are not.
Is Goodyear G rated tires worth $2323 when it comes with G rated tires?
There is a 12.25X3.375 upgraded brakes with E-z lube axles for $1549. They are 8000# axles but do not change the GVWR
any input about both Bighorn's and camping world purchase experience would be appreciated.
I don't have experience with Bighorns, but if offered, I'd jump on the bigger brakes. IMO, you can't have =enough= brakes. I'd probably spring for disc brakes, if offered, too. The heavier axles don't hurt, either. From years of reading here, the G-rated GY are somewhat of an insurance policy since GY will, in many (if not most) cases pay to fix your trailer should a tire fail and cause damage. A lot of people are reporting good results with the Sailun G-rated tires, but Sailun will NOT warrant any damage...at least from what I've seen reported here.
On edit: I didn't read carefully enough and =ass=umed that the GY tire upgrade would include wheels, too, but if it already has G tires, then that's a =huge= markup by either the mfr or CW; on the order of 75% markup. As others have said, take the OEM tires and swap them yourself. Make sure to include the spare, too.