way2roll wrote:
nickthehunter wrote:
Why do people not leave their black tank valve open when flushing the tank? Valve open, tank won't overfill, why would I want to risk a disaster?
Because it's not only the force of the water from the flush to "wash" debris from the sides of the tank, it's the physics involved to use a 1/2 or 3/4 full tank's rush of water to flush all that debris out the hose. I repeat this process several times until I get clear water. The trick, as the op found out, is not to walk away and let it overfill. It's only a disaster if that happens.
since I’m not going to be storing drinking water in it, it just doesn’t need to be that clean. I find as needlessly wasting water making your poop holding tank OCD clean, and rude to needlessly hold up everyone in line behind you at the dump station as you refill and refill and refill and refill again until you get clear water. I’ve seen it personally way to many times.
A 5 gallon pail of water down the commode right after dumping works just fine for me.