Infinityrver wrote:
Atom Ant wrote:
Was heading to the airport Friday pulling on to I-40 in Albuquerque. Merged in next to a 5er and I had just noticed his front tire start to bounce when boom!.........tire shrapnel everywhere.
Based on the tread section laying on the hood of my rental car, I'm positive it was an ST tire. This thing didn't run flat, didn't shred a tread, it just exploded like a baloon leaving barely a trace that a tire ever existed on the rim. How anyone can defend these as safe tires for the road is beyond me.
Hats off to you whoever you were! You brought that rig to a well controlled stop on the inside emergency lane.
I can understand your concerns when you're running light truck tires on your Redwood. I believe all Redwoods, approximately all 5,000 or so that that have been built to date, are running light truck tires due to their weight. Apparently, no manufacturer makes an ST tire that can handle the weight of a heavy Redwood.
I believe that there are maybe millions of travel trailers, 5ers, equipment trailers, and the like out on our roadways on a daily basis. I know our safety is at risk. Its all in the numbers.
Maybe, someday..........there will be millions of Redwoods sold and the light truck tires will be normal. Right now light truck tires on fifth wheel trailers are uncommon.
Keep pluggin' you may be able to change all that:)
All heavier trailers should be migrated to 17.5 rims and LRJ/LRH tires, as it appears that they are beyond the capabilities of 16" LRG tires. Chris