Apr-13-2015 10:39 PM
Apr-15-2015 12:30 PM
Apr-15-2015 12:16 PM
eichacsj wrote:laknox wrote:eichacsj wrote:goducks10 wrote:
Artic Fox trailers meet most of those demands. You need to stay away from the 'lite' versions of trailers.
Some Jaycos do have large tanks. From the Eagle on up they have large tanks.
X2, Arctic Fox is made by Northwood Mfg. They sell Nash and Snow river also. Nash being the most rugged for off roading. Though we off orad with our AF 30u. Very tough, we off road in 4wd so no light paved RV park use.
I'd seriously consider them, but I can't afford both a FW =and= a truck. My '02 just doesn't have the payload for them.
Hum your signature says you had a 2500 diesel. I pull a AF 30U with a 2500 gas with no problem. I would think you could pull a <20 footer with your TV.
Apr-15-2015 08:28 AM
laknox wrote:eichacsj wrote:goducks10 wrote:
Artic Fox trailers meet most of those demands. You need to stay away from the 'lite' versions of trailers.
Some Jaycos do have large tanks. From the Eagle on up they have large tanks.
X2, Arctic Fox is made by Northwood Mfg. They sell Nash and Snow river also. Nash being the most rugged for off roading. Though we off orad with our AF 30u. Very tough, we off road in 4wd so no light paved RV park use.
I'd seriously consider them, but I can't afford both a FW =and= a truck. My '02 just doesn't have the payload for them.
Apr-14-2015 04:18 PM
Apr-14-2015 02:51 PM
eichacsj wrote:goducks10 wrote:
Artic Fox trailers meet most of those demands. You need to stay away from the 'lite' versions of trailers.
Some Jaycos do have large tanks. From the Eagle on up they have large tanks.
X2, Arctic Fox is made by Northwood Mfg. They sell Nash and Snow river also. Nash being the most rugged for off roading. Though we off orad with our AF 30u. Very tough, we off road in 4wd so no light paved RV park use.
Apr-14-2015 02:50 PM
Jim-Linda wrote:
New Horizons will build anything you want.
Apr-14-2015 02:50 PM
goducks10 wrote:
I think all brands have some form of a trailer that would meet thse needs. To make options like the Boondock package would take more changes on the line. The frames for these trailers are what they are. You get one set of springs and one set of tires on frame X. To add the option of more tank capacity you have to increase the springs, tires and possibly the frame. That would be expensive and since the frames come pre made all put together then they would have to disassemble everything and add the option items. The cost would be too much IMO. So that's why they offer a more boondock worthy trailer in other models.
Then factor in all brands offering this and all the work involved in ordering a trailer with it. The manufacture then needs to decide which models they're going to offer it on. Some trailers are maxed out as is with 30/30/30. Then add in 70/70/50 tanks. That would increase the weight by 850lbs. So now that trailer that rides on 205/75/15 tires on 3500lb axles needs 4400lb axles and 225/75/15 tires. Plus the extra support welded in for the heavier tanks. Too much work for a simple assembly line product.
Apr-14-2015 12:00 PM
goducks10 wrote:
Artic Fox trailers meet most of those demands. You need to stay away from the 'lite' versions of trailers.
Some Jaycos do have large tanks. From the Eagle on up they have large tanks.
Apr-14-2015 10:36 AM
Apr-14-2015 10:36 AM
12thgenusa wrote:
One of many reasons I'll hang on to my 26' 5er with 60, 38, 38, 38 tanks. The majority of much larger 5ers don't even have tanks of that size.
Apr-14-2015 10:14 AM
Apr-14-2015 10:04 AM
Apr-14-2015 07:51 AM
Apr-14-2015 07:43 AM