OK, so weighed truck tonight.
Great news!!!
CAT scale with both tanks full of fuel, me siting in front (280#) and buddy sitting in back seat (260#). Also, I have a camper shell (see my avatar).
Front axle: 3540#
Rear axle: 3040#
Total weight: 6580#
Now if I remove passengers (540), shell (est. 150) , and fuel (190), truck weighs 5700#
But for towing purposes, let's use the .................................................. ...6580
My buddy weighs more than my two kids combined... 2 kids (210); dog (20)....-30
camper shell............................................. ...........................................-150
wife.............................................. .................................................. .....120
hitch............................................. .................................................. .....150
ice chest, gear in truck............................................. ................................75
Total............................................. .................................................. ...6745
Truck GVWR.............................................. ..........................................9200
Truck, fuel, passengers, grear in truck, hitch...........................................-6745
Available payload........................................... ......................................2455
With these numbers I am still under my axle ratings (FT: 4000; Rear: 6048)
So, I can tow a 5er with hitch weight up to 1600 comfortably and with a loaded weight of up to 8255 (6745+8255= 15000)
up to 11,755 loaded if I change rear axle to 4.10 which would also increase hitch weight to around 2000 which is still under the 2455 I have available
This is great news for me as I was feeling depressed that my F350 could tow a 27' 5er!
Now, what is depressing,........................the 5er I was looking at sold today
So, the search for a clean 5er continues, with a renewed enthusiasm that my truck can get the job done!
So, do my numbers add up or did I miss something?