ol Bombero-JC wrote:
Good plan!
The Escapees HDT forum = lots of long, heavy, and some custom 5ths.
Very knowledgeable folks there - many who have been "the route" -
LDT to MDT to HDT for tow vehicles.
Escapees HDT forum
Jack Mayer (on that forum) is a wealth of information on custom 5ths.
He's a New Horizons Ambassador - and (IIRC) on his second *very* custom New Horizons.
His (2nd) HDT came from Gregg Shields (previously posted link).
He also has a site that covers lots of topics (including NH) at - this link
Should have added - be sure to check the "Heavy Haulers Resource Guide" on the Escapees HDT forum...:W
There's also an MDT forum = more "serious" 5ths.