ependydad wrote:
Cummins12V98 wrote:
We custom ordered our MobileSuites from Alicia at Rolling Retreats. I would call it "semi custom", we had around 68 "specials" as they call it. Kyle finally said "enough" !
Bottom line we have the RV we wanted not what was sitting on a lot that would not be exactly what we wanted.
Do you have a list somewhere of what your 68 "specials" we're? I'm curious of "special" they let you get.
Any change whether it's a deduct or add is called a "Special".
We added a lot of extra lights, outlets different kitchen/entertainment slide from another design. Lots of Elite items on a MS, flooring, cabinet doors, countertops, wall sconces, full paint scheme, wood window valances, custom walking closet cabinets, all wood walls in toilet, 3 exhaust fans, 3 ac units, 240V dryer and 240V 6500 gen the list goes on.
Deleted window behind TV and pop up tv and went with 55", window between cooktop and frig.