RoyB, your drawing is instructive and inspiring.
My distribution panel, WF 8914, at the back of the trailer near where shore power comes in, looks different. It has the 120v circuit breakers and the 12v fuses, but not the circuit board etc in the lower part of your picture:

I'm assuming that's because the old WFCO converter was not part of the distribution panel. The old converter was, and now the new PD is, forward on the floor under the sink, much closer to the battery:

One of the red wires goes to the battery, the other to the distribution panel. The black wire disappearing to the upper left plugs into a 120v outlet.
I originally went looking for a problem because a panel-mounted voltmeter near the door, which usually reads 13 something when we're on shore power, one day read 12.6 and falling. To confirm the WFCO converter was bad I had checked that there was 120v at its plug, that the reverse polarity fuses were intact, and that voltage across the converter 12v terminals was zero with battery disconnected.
The new PD dis the same thing after a day or so which made me wonder if I were causing the problem. I exchanged the PD converter, and PD#2, in the lower picture, the latest replacement, is up and running for two weeks. My panel meter again shows 13.2v most of the time.
So it seems to be fixed; three's a charm?
I have more than once hooked up the portable charger with leads reversed; when I do, the portable beeps and shuts down, seems to do no harm, and does not blow the reverse polarity fuses on the converter. I did not do that just before either of the two recent units died.