Forum Discussion

Njmurvin's avatar
Sep 07, 2016

Did you upgrade landing gear to Bulldog or Ultra-Fab?

I am looking to upgrade my landing gear to a dual motor setup. After lubing my leadscrew, it works better (no longer trips the breaker or breaks the screw in the cross-shaft). But it still seems like it's straining to lift the front of the rig. It's eventually going to need upgrading. Might as well do it now before it fails entirely.

I've looked at the existing legs and I think I may have an issue. The clamps that are welded on my frame which hold the legs are each 2" wide. They're spaced apart 15.5" inside dimension and 19.5" outside dimension. From what I'm reading, these are not spaced correctly to match the welded tabs on the Bulldog legs. Bulldog wants these brackets 17.5" inside dimension and Ultra-Fab has a couple of spacings to use - neither of which matches mine. If you have done this kind of upgrade, did yours fit the existing brackets or did you have to make modifications?
  • I could go out and measure my Bulldog spacing, but won't have access to a tape measure until tomorrow.

    I sure wouldn't spend $800 for new stuff. Be cheaper to have one of the old brackets removed and a new bracket installed at the proper spacing. The Bulldog kit comes with new brackets so you could use one of those. Bulldog is a great setup. I really like mine.

    I got the Bulldog because I read several comments that the UltraFab were really slow. The Bulldog isn't real fast in the "high torque" setting, but it sure works, and is sooooo quiet. It never sounds like it's straining at all.
  • So I just heard back from a specialist at He identified my landing jacks as Stromberg Carlson LG-177202 for the lead leg (motor side). Because of my bracket spacing, my choice is limited. He suggested buying 2 lead legs, 2 motors, 2 gearboxes and 2 switches totaling over $800.

    Since my current lead leg works just fine (I have actually raised the trailer with the one leg), why not just buy an additional lead leg/motor/gearbox to replace my existing follow leg? I can find or create a set of 3 switches (left,right, both).

    My only other choice appears to be to cut/weld on my trailer to move the brackets and/or relocate the tabs on the new legs from Bulldog or Ultra-Fab kit (if that's even possible).
  • When my jacks failed I installed Ultra-Fab because of time restraints( Bulldog was two weeks wait). Only had 2 days to leave RV Park.

    If I had time I would install the Bulldog because of the 2 speeds and configuration of motor placement.

    The either maker will likely fit in your unit. I thought that I needed to weld some new brackets but i did not need to. Bulldog and Ultra-Fab include new brackets if needed.

    Took about 3hours to r&r jacks.
  • Ultra Fab in my Big Horn...needed to do a bit of adapting to match the mounts but overall a simple great...
