Apr-06-2017 11:25 AM
Apr-12-2017 08:13 AM
Apr-12-2017 08:05 AM
wing_zealot wrote:
Remember, it's covered while it is connected. If you should suddenly be in an accident and it becomes unconnected and jacknifes across 3 lanes of heavy freeway traffic, you have no coverage for anything after it becomes not-connected.
Liability is usually included under Comprehensive coverage and includes things like hail damage, tornadoes, floods, etc.
Apr-11-2017 05:11 PM
Hondavalk wrote:
I took out an umbrella liability policy with my insurance carrier that covers me for any liability for any lawsuit.
Apr-10-2017 06:12 PM
Apr-10-2017 08:33 AM
Lantley wrote:Terryallan wrote:
I have Comp, and collision. TV provides the liability. and not really worried about being sued by someone scraping their knee in the TT. I wouldn't have the kind of low life person that would sue, IN my TT.
Ain't y'all got nothing else to worry about, other than your "friend" suing you. Cause if they do. they are NOT your friend.
As for IF it comes unhooked in an accident. It was hooked up when the accident started, and so whatever it hits is covered.
honestly guys. If I was as afraid as some of you seem to be. I'd just stay home.
What if your rig catches fire? As a result catches the neighbors rig catches on fire or the neighbors vehicle ignites. It is not that far fetched. RV fires happen fast.
The liability portion is not that expensive.
No one plans to need insurance:h
Apr-10-2017 07:57 AM
Lantley wrote:I tend to agree a little bit, but OTOH you can't cover every contingency.Terryallan wrote:
I have Comp, and collision. TV provides the liability. and not really worried about being sued by someone scraping their knee in the TT. I wouldn't have the kind of low life person that would sue, IN my TT.
Ain't y'all got nothing else to worry about, other than your "friend" suing you. Cause if they do. they are NOT your friend.
As for IF it comes unhooked in an accident. It was hooked up when the accident started, and so whatever it hits is covered.
honestly guys. If I was as afraid as some of you seem to be. I'd just stay home.
What if your rig catches fire? As a result catches the neighbors rig catches on fire or the neighbors vehicle ignites. It is not that far fetched. RV fires happen fast.
The liability portion is not that expensive.
No one plans to need insurance:h
Apr-10-2017 07:46 AM
Terryallan wrote:
I have Comp, and collision. TV provides the liability. and not really worried about being sued by someone scraping their knee in the TT. I wouldn't have the kind of low life person that would sue, IN my TT.
Ain't y'all got nothing else to worry about, other than your "friend" suing you. Cause if they do. they are NOT your friend.
As for IF it comes unhooked in an accident. It was hooked up when the accident started, and so whatever it hits is covered.
honestly guys. If I was as afraid as some of you seem to be. I'd just stay home.
Apr-10-2017 07:36 AM
mileshuff wrote:Terryallan wrote:
What if it don't. The world is full of what ifs.
If some drunk trips over my power cord, and hits his / her head on my TT. He / she better have their check book handy to pay the damages
True, what if. No need for insurance at all, car, home, life, etc. All just a bunch of what if's.
If someone hurts themselves tripping over your cord at a RV park, then the park itself is liable, not you. It's not your property.
Apr-08-2017 12:04 AM
Apr-07-2017 10:53 PM
Terryallan wrote:
What if it don't. The world is full of what ifs.
If some drunk trips over my power cord, and hits his / her head on my TT. He / she better have their check book handy to pay the damages
Apr-07-2017 09:08 PM
Apr-07-2017 05:02 PM
mileshuff wrote:Terryallan wrote:
As for IF it comes unhooked in an accident. It was hooked up when the accident started, and so whatever it hits is covered.
What if your chocks fail and your trailer rolls into another trailer?
Apr-07-2017 03:52 PM
Terryallan wrote:
As for IF it comes unhooked in an accident. It was hooked up when the accident started, and so whatever it hits is covered.
Apr-07-2017 04:42 AM