Forum Discussion

User1's avatar
Jun 15, 2017

Does this toy hauler exist

I am looking for a toy hauler that has a queen bed and set of bunk beds in front of the wall separating the toy area and the living area. I would prefer a travel trailer, not a 5th wheel. I would also prefer it to be in the 30 ft in length area. Neither of these are show stoppers, just preferences. If I need to go longer and/or 5th wheel, I will. I want the toy area no shorter then 8 feet. Does anyone out there know of a brand and model that gets me close to this?
Thanks in advance.
  • Ditto on looking at the LQ's (living quarters trailers)to meet you needs.

    That's where you will find the length of storage you need and still have a real nice living area. Some of them have interiors that far exceed any of the big luxurious Class A's!

    Some of them get even crazy long for the extra storage area. All the dividers are all removable for what you want to use it for. From real basic up to the luxury rigs.

    LQ's come in TT's, 5th Wheel, Class C and Class A's!!
  • The only one that I can think of that is close to meeting your requirements is the Vengeance Super Sport 28V. The rig is about 28 1/2 ferret long with bunks but does not have a separate garage area, no wall.
    You may want to take a look at this one as it is reasonable close to what you are looking for.

    Go up to the listing of all toy haulers and go to the Forest River sight and then look for the Vengeance Super Sport.

    Good luck in your search and keep us informed as to what you decide.
  • User1 wrote:
    I am looking for a toy hauler that has a queen bed and set of bunk beds in front of the wall separating the toy area and the living area. I would prefer a travel trailer, not a 5th wheel. I would also prefer it to be in the 30 ft in length area. Neither of these are show stoppers, just preferences. If I need to go longer and/or 5th wheel, I will. I want the toy area no shorter then 8 feet. Does anyone out there know of a brand and model that gets me close to this?
    Thanks in advance.

    It would seem your preferences are asking the impossible if you think this out. But keep in mind that I'm not suggesting your asks are being unreasonable, just to me doesn't seem to add up.

    A 30' trailer, assuming you are talking about over-all length, will have a coach area ~ 26'/27'. At least 6' for the queen bed area but probably more like 7', another 6' for the bunk area and that is assuming you can stack both of those next to each other. Min 8' for the garage. That is 20' right there leaving ~ 6' of space to accomodate a kitchenette and bathroom/shower but using the garage area as fold-down living space. The floor plan as such may not work well either never mind considerations for trailer balance by way of making sure too many heavy items are not on one side/end of the trailer. Heavy items need to counter other heavy items otherwise bad things can happen when towing.

    Does a trailer in a floor plan you suggest exist? I do not recall seeing one myself but I haven't seen them all.
  • Maybe try some of the horse trailers that have living quarters up front. Some of those are outfitted VERY nicely and include plenty of room for your (living or mechanical) toys.