Is freezer section functioning correctly----items remain frozen?
Food section temps slowly increasing over time.
Cooling unit is clogging.
Off-level operation while 'stationary' interrupts gravity flow of coolant solution. This interruption causes 'overheating' condition which turn the sodium chromate (anti-rust inhibitor) to crystallize which plates out on the inside of tubing. This plating out is permanent and Accumulative.
Just 20 minutes of off-level operation can cause this issue.
Some low cost items that can cause lack of cooling:
Food section drip pan drain plug (check valve) in end of hose OR hose is cracked/broken (warm air gets pulled into food section
Fans not functioning in outside compartment IF your fridge has fans.
Fridge has a 'roof vent' then most likely no fans (fridge in slide NEEDS fans)
Usually you can unplug thermistor and force fridge into continuous cooling mode
This can NOT be done on your RM1350. Thermstor 'failure' shutd down fridge cooling
You can cause fridge to force cool but this requires another thermistor
You unplug OEM thermstor leads on control board and plug new thermstor leads onto board then hang that new thermistor out the lower access vent so that is is sensing warm air making fridge run and run and run.
With a thermometer in a glass of water on self in food section-----temp should be below 43*F after 12 hrs.
BUT best to test for 24-48 hrs when a slow warming condition has been issue.
So buy another OEM thermsitor and test cooling unit (run it on AC element for test)
OR take it back to dealer and have them run the force cooling test.
Cheaper to buy another thermistor an do test yourself.