BillandCarole wrote:
I have learned a lot about this landing gear:
3. ...if it happens away from home (I was dammed lucky that it did) it can be really hard to get fixed.
My wife and I had the left LG refuse to move on me this past September, when out on a trip to Maine. We were "stuck" with it in the UP position, so we couldn't unhitch. A friend much wiser than myself helped to remove the unit - he brought a BFH to the situation. Disassembly found that, due to over-retraction, we had smeared the solid sheer pin like a stick of butter.
Where we got lucky was that there's an RV place not far away from where we were. They sold me the two pins (one for each side), so I was able to drive out and replace the first and save the spare for the other side if needed.
The luck in our case was being with a friend who understood how the system worked, and was able to explain what might have gone wrong, so it could be fixed.